We the People Need to Start Setting the Priorities.
Are you familiar with what a dollar looks like? Of course. But would you recognize a billion dollars or a trillion?
What A Trillion Dollars Looks Like
Over the last 18 years, the United States has spent $4.9 trillion on weapons and the military.
When people talk of war, we will be asking: “How will you pay for that?”
We Don’t Need to Raise Taxes to Have ‘Medicare for All’
“The costs of national security are wide-ranging. Depending on your point of view, national security could include everything from economic security to the costs of war. Our counters show the costs of the United States’ war on terrorism since September 11, 2001. “
National Priorities Project (NPP)
“The federal government found a way to spend $97 billion in a single month last year, of which more than $61 billion can be attributed to the Pentagon.
It’s not a new phenomenon. In the last month of every fiscal year, federal agencies work to spend all that’s left in their annual budgets. If they don’t, the agencies worry they’ll be appropriated a smaller share by Congress next year, hence the “use-it or lose-it” spending sprees…”
Use-it or lose-it: DoD dropped $4.6 million on crab and lobster, and $9,000 on a chair in last-minute spending spree