War Abolition Walk Saturday 10/29 in downtown Madison

Can you join us this Saturday, Oct 29, for a War Abolition Walk downtown? 

Yesterday, Rep Pocan and 29 other US Representatives announced a sensible letter from them that formally asked President Biden to negotiate peace in Ukraine.  Facing blowback, today the lead author of the letter, Rep Jayapal, withdrew that letter.

War is never the answer.  We are in ever more danger of nuclear annihilation.  We request that Rep Pocan make clear that he supports peace negotiations now.  We request that Sen Baldwin introduce an identical letter in the Senate.  Please join us.

War Abolition Walk, Saturday, Oct 29 in Madison

10:30 am – Begin walk at the Gates of Heaven synagogue in James Madison Park (302 E Gorham St).

11:00 – Arrive at Representative Mark Pocan’s office (10 E Doty St) – Picket, banner, hand out flyers, and collect signatures on the World Beyond War’s Declaration of Peace.

11:20 – Leave Rep Pocan’s office to walk to Senator Tammy Baldwin’s office.

11:30 – Arrive at Sen Baldwin’s office (30 W Mifflin St) – Picket, etc until 12:00 noon.

RSVP to  madisonpeacewalk@gmail.com

And check for updates at safeskiescleanwaterwi.org