The F-35’s Block 4 Upgrade Includes America’s New Tactical Nuke
Contact your Senators and Congressional representative and tell them NO MONEY FOR NUCLEAR WEAPONS. Use the contact information below or use this handy form from the Friends Committee on National Legislation to write your own federal elected officials – with a prewritten letter you can edit to add the information about the F-35 block 4 upgrade.
Excerpt from The National Interest, February 4, 2021
“The scariest weapon Block 4 will bring to the F-35 is surely the B-61 Mod 12 nuclear gravity bomb, which has tail fins that can adjust the bomb’s trajectory to strike on average within 30 meters of a designated GPS coordinate. The B-61 has a selectable yield between .3 and 50 kilotons, and has bunker-penetration capabilities. The combination of precision and penetration means it could threaten an adversary’s leadership, command and control facilities, and hardened missile launch sites. As part of a NATO agreement, the U.S. B-61 bombs will also be available for deployment on fellow F-35 operators in NATO.”
- US Senator Tammy Baldwin: Contact Info or call (608) 264-5338 – Madison or (202) 224-5653 – DC – Ask her to WITHDRAW her support for F-35s at Truax.
- US Senator Ron Johnson: Email or call (608) 240-9629 – Madison or (202) 224-5323 – DC
- US Congressman Mark Pocan: Submit online comment if you are in his district or call 608-258-9800 – Madison or 202-225-2906 – DC