Miskimen: Oppose F-35’s that are ineffective, dangerous, too expensive and they pollute
Dear Alders: I have contacted my alder Patrick Heck and others about opposing the F-35 plans at Truax. Especially in this time of Covid-19, we appreciate the vital work of the Air National Guard and the 115th Fighter Wing. It’d be preferable to so many of us, that these resources be put towards missions that matter to our community, like medical projects or environmental protection.
The final EIS, like the draft version, projected significant harms to all of us in Madison, especially low-income families and children, and minorities. The predicted detrimental effects on those who live close to the base are greater for Madison folks than any other state’s base. It’s no wonder there’s been such a groundswell of opposition to the F-35s at Truax and 30,000+ people nationwide stand in opposition to the F-35 program.
They’re ineffective, dangerous to pilots and civilians, extremely expensive, and poisonous to air, soil and water. Can we count on your commitment to the protecting the health and safety of our community, county and country? I’d rather hope so. Please vote YES for Resolution 77 on Tuesday 3/31.
In partnership,
Kären (park the “car in” the garage) Miskimen