
City Staff Memo & Maps on F-35 Environmental Impact Statement

From Mayor Satya’s blog

The documents attached below contain Madison city staff analysis and more detailed maps of the draft United States Air Force F-35A Operational Beddown National Guard Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) pertaining to the 115 Fighter Wing at Truax Field. Staff in the Planning Division, Community Development Division, Housing Authority, Engineering Division and Public Health of Madison and Dane County contributed to this report.

Since this is not a City of Madison decision, staff is not providing a recommendation for or against the proposed location of F-35s at Truax and they did not evaluate sections of EIS document pertaining to other communities or compare impacts of various locations. [emphasis ours] The intent of this document is to provide a clear and objective compilation of relevant facts from the EIS and a greater explanation of how this could impact Madison for the Mayor, the public and other elected officials who may wish to provide a comment to the Air National Guard as part of their review and decision process.

Comments can be made by the public on the EIS online here http://www.angf35eis.com/Comments.aspx  through September 27 or at the upcoming meeting on September 12 at the Exhibition Hall in the Alliant Energy Center starting at 5:30 pm.

For further background, the full 1000-page draft EIS is available here http://www.angf35eis.com/Documents.aspx ; the 40-page Executive Summary can be found here http://www.angf35eis.com/Resources/Documents/Draft_F-35A_EIS_Executive_Summary_August_2019.pdf PDF .

Madison City Staff Maps for EIS analysis 9-10-19

Madison F35 EIS staff analysis 9-10-19