SONIC BOOM ACTION ALERT: Northern Lightning exercises Aug 10-21

Annual Northern Lightning exercise

From August 10-21, the Air National Guard (ANG) will be conducting their annual Northern Lightning exercise at Volk Field in Camp Douglas near Tomah and east of La Crosse.

These are not the Northern Lights that we want to see.

Let’s respond with our own Sonic Boom!

According to Col Bart Van Roo, the Northern Lightning exercise director, “This exercise will include potential supersonic travel, within FAA and military guidelines, so people in the military operating area, a 55 by 200 mile space, may hear sonic booms between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm during weekdays,” Van Roo said. “We appreciate everyone’s patience as it is a necessary part of preparation for actual combat.”

According to the military officials, “Those living in the following counties can anticipate increased military flight operations in the airspace: Adams, Brown, Calumet, Clark, Columbia, Dane, Dodge, Fond du Lac, Green Lake, Jackson, Marathon, Marquette, Monroe, Outagamie, Portage, Sauk, Sheboygan, Trempealeau, Waupaca, Winnebago, and Wood.”

Here is OUR Sonic Boom:

Let us ratchet up our voices by writing and calling our elected officials and community leaders every day for the duration of ANG Northern Lightning maneuvers!

Let them know:

  • We consider their inaction on curtailing the F-35 beddown in Madison, and to end the F-35 program in its entirety, unacceptab le.  We expect them to be decisive, vocal and active.
  • We do not believe that this is only a federal decision and that we as a community should not sit still while the military pollutes our water, makes our communities “incompatible for residential use,” and looks at our community as another land to conquer and decimate.
  • As our neighbors in Eken Park Resistance have called upon our community leaders, “Community leaders: this is a test of your progressive values. Do everything you can. Creatively and vigorously use our collective power and resources––legal, financial, and otherwise––to protect us.”

The Dalai Lama said, “If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.” Be a mosquito and together we will be a swarm!


  • During August 10-21, contact your elected officials and your community leaders (e.g. neighborhood leaders, faith leaders).
  • Contact your elected officials every day. Then increase the Sonic Boom by contacting them multiple times per day. Contact them every single time you hear the ANG maneuvers above your home and over our beloved city. Tell them your reasons for being against the F-35 planes being based in Madison. Tell them what is important to you.

Talking Points Available: Click Here
Contact information below

  • Add your name to this letter from Eken Park Resistance to our community leaders.
  • Discuss with your community leaders how your group can be more involved in increasing the volume of our collective voice and our power.

Contact Information for Elected Officials

Include your address on correspondence.


  • US Senator Tammy Baldwin: Contact Info or call (608) 264-5338 (Madison) or (202) 224-5653 (DC)
  • US Senator Ron Johnson: Email or call (608) 240-9629 (Madison) or (202) 224-5323 (DC)
  • US Congressman Mark Pocan: Submit online comment if you are in his district or call 608-258-9800 (Madison) or 202-225-2906 (DC)

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